Ultimate Guide For Background Verification Process
Have you ever heard about the BGV process? If not you might have heard about the Background Verification process, both the terms are used interchangeably for employee verification. Whether a mid-size company or a large organization, employee verification is common to protect the company in many ways. The background verification process is an integral part of the hiring process to ensure security regulations.
Initially, the process was opted by MNCs to protect confidential data and maintain company security or discrepancies. However, today it has been indispensable for the hiring process. Why? There are endless reasons for companies to conduct background checks, we are listing a few:
- False credentials to take jobs.
- Candidates hiding criminal charges or other such issues.
- To protect the company from any discrepancy.
- To protect the reputation of the company, and more.
Many organizations opt for outsourcing background verification companies like Zella. Having an in-house background verification department is costly, so outsourcing becomes more feasible. To know more, let’s check out the background verification process in detail:
BGV- Process in detail
After recent changes in the business world globally, companies have become strict towards background verification. In addition, with new data protection laws, and rapidly changing work environments, companies need a stringent background verification process. Here’s how BGV is done at Zella:
1. Acquiring candidate information:
The process starts with acquiring candidate information from the business or companies. With the given information, the basic details such as address, phone number, etc., are verified. In addition, the public database and records are checked to find any criminal records.
2. Cross-check information:
The information is cross-checked using a digital database, and a physical visit(in case of company demand). Once the information is verified, it is sent back to companies for the further hiring process.
The BGV process is now leveraging the power of technology and innovation. Since remote jobs are becoming more popular and common among companies, hiring employees has also become digital. So, digital and real-time verification for employees or vendors has become crucial.
The BGV process can vary depending on the type of verification needed by companies.
Types of BGV offered
Depending on businesses or companies outsourcing BGV process, Zella can provide some critical types of BGV for vendors or employee verification:
1. Education verification:
Education verification is one of the most important and most common types of verification process. Often candidates fake education credentials to acquire job positions in the company. Sometimes they might be using someone else’s credentials to enter a company.
To avoid such issues in a company, education verification is a critical aspect. The BGV process for education verification can be specifically focused on education credentials. Under the BGV process, the verification company contacts educational institutions to verify.
2. Criminal record check:
Criminal record check is critical for every employee, and vendor, irrespective of job position. BGV process for criminal record checks verifies data through public domains, online and offline public databases, and other sources. In addition, global companies can also use a global database for background verification.
3. Experience or past partnerships:
Past work experience and past partnerships with employees and vendors respectively are verified. BGV processes use the information provided to contact employers or business clients to get reviews and verify the information. There can be chances that vendors lie about their previous projects, similarly employees.
4. Social media platforms:
This type of background check is done now. Cyber crimes and images on social media platforms are critical with more access to information. Anything wrong related to a candidate or employee on social media platforms can spread like wildfire.
Candidates involved in wrong practices on social media platforms can harm the company’s reputation. So, in such cases, conducting a background check on social media platforms has become important.
The use of technology in the background verification process
Over the years, the business world has changed specifically in the last few years. Similarly, the background verification process is improved as per changing demand. Technology integrated into the BGV process can bring many benefits for businesses such as:
1. Automated background check:
Using technology allows businesses to make their BGV process automated. Rather than collecting documents from employees or vendors for verification, the whole process can be moved to digital ways. The automation will have a direct impact on storage/database, application process, and hiring time.
2. High accuracy with background checks:
Technology-integrated BGV process has more accuracy. The Background verification when shifted to digital methods provides more detailed information and eliminates chances of errors or discrepancies. The background verification process is responsible for information that should be shared with security.
You not only have to protect the company’s reputation but also employee details. The digital shift gives more accuracy and security with background checks.
Why does Zella have an effective and reliable BGV process?
For businesses who are looking for a document verification company, Zella can be a good choice considering the benefits. Here are some of the reasons that make Zella a good option for BGV:
a) Fast and secure process: The verification process for companies about vendors and employees is processed within days. The entire offline and online verification process is well-structured and secure to ensure data security.
b) Industry expertise: Background Verification is a responsible process, the information of employees and vendors needs to be verified and provided with more security and responsibility. With high industry expertise, Zella offers a better BGV process. Industry experience in handling complex background processes is helpful for businesses.
c) Digitalize process: The BGV process is available in both online and offline ways with a streamlined process. Companies can opt depending on their hiring process.
BGV or Background Verification process is core for hiring employees as well as collaborating with vendors. Many companies understand the complexity and urgency of BGV, but small-size companies are yet to focus on this.
In addition, large and mid-size companies are adopting remote work as well as switching to digital mode making the BGV process more important in digital format. Background verification companies like Zella can provide complete and secure information on employee and vendor verification. Depending on your verification requirements, you can opt for the BGV process.
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